Police in Asokore Mampong, located in the Ashanti Region, have detained two foreign nationals who attempted to participate in the voter registration exercise within the area.

The individuals, identified as Nigerian citizens, were unable to provide satisfactory explanations to Electoral Commission (EC) officials and law enforcement officers regarding their presence at the registration centre. 

Despite encountering technical challenges nationwide during the initial phase of the ongoing voter registration exercise, electoral officials in Asokore have successfully registered a total of 2,304 individuals as of Wednesday, May 15, 2024.

However, electoral officers have identified approximately six instances of double registration, in addition to the apprehension of the two foreign nationals on Thursday, May 16.

Angela Afiriyie Osei, the District Officer of the EC in Asokore Mampong, has issued a warning to individuals who do not meet the qualifications to participate in the registration exercise, urging them to refrain from attempting to register.

In the meantime, law enforcement authorities have disclosed that the detained individuals are currently undergoing interrogation.

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