The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has cautioned food establishments across the country to regularise their activities with the body.

The Authority insists that securing a Food Hygiene Permit will help keep the industry in check when it comes to compliance.

Speaking at a workshop in Accra, the FDA's Chief Regulatory Officer, Dr Edward Archer emphasised the need to put the safety of food consumers at the heart of the culinary service industry.

FDA's Chief Regulatory Officer, Dr Edward Archer

"Anybody who is operating a restaurant or a food business without being issued a food hygiene permit is operating unlawfully. So most of you who haven't been to the FDA, the police will come after you," he said.

The Bolt Food Workshop, which took place on Wednesday, May 15, was themed 'A Pledge to Uphold Hygiene Standards'.

Dr Archer insisted that the Authority's doors are open to collaborating to promote the safety of commercial kitchens in Ghana.

"Anywhere you go to buy food, first of all - whether it's a date of birthday - please ask for the food hygiene permit. They are supposed to display at a pace that is visible for everybody to see," he explained.

He, however, added that these permits are deemed invalid when an establishment relocates and must be reviewed.

"Permits are invalidated by change of permit holder, location or change in type in type of operation."

FDA Deputy CEO, Roderick Kwabena Daddey-Adjei

The Chief Executive of the FDA was represented by the deputy CEO, Roderick Kwabena Daddey-Adjei.

Mr Daddey-Adjei was elated by the collaboration between his outfit and Bolt Foods.

He called for more partnerships with organisations in the food chain to promote hygiene and safety.

Country Manager of Bolt Food Ghana, Ali Zaryab welcomed this advice.

Country Manager of Bolt Food Ghana, Ali Zaryab

Mr Zayrab recounted instances of how the e-commerce company has collaborated with the FDA in the past.

Going forward, he expressed belief in more exploits to impact the culinary market as a while while ensuring safety and compliance.

"I really acknowledge the support that we are getting from the FDA team, where they greatly supported throughout this journey," he added.

He also took the participants through Bolt Food's journey so far.

The event was attended by food service establishments, regulators, the media, and other stakeholders.

The attendees were also enlightened about the roadmap to compliance and how to ensure hygiene and sanitation.

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