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Joy FM takes Easter Soup Kitchen to Senior Correctional Centre 

Joy FM spent time with the Senior Correctional Centre in Accra on Easter Monday, April 1, 2024. 

As is done every year, Joy FM emulates God’s display of love for humankind through the initiative called Easter Soup Kitchen. 

It is an annual outreach to mark the appreciation of God’s love through the death of his only begotten son, Jesus Christ.

In keeping with this, your Super Station put smiles on the faces of inmates of the Senior Correctional Centre (Borstal Home) on Monday, April 1, 2024. 

They were served hot meals, drinks and were entertained through music, dance and various activities. 

The Programmes Manager of Joy FM, Edem Knight-Tay, in her address, spoke about the essence of the initiative while she stressed the gesture was to share the love of Christ with them on Easter Monday. 

Pastor Mike Nii Abossey in his word of exhortation, encouraged the inmates to live according to the word of God so they would be transformed and rise again from their current situation. 

He told them, those that heed counsel and perform the tasks given them by their caretakers would become great in future. 

Drive Time host of Joy FM, Lexis Bill, interacted with them and asked them to tell the lessons they have learnt during their stay the correctional home. 

Other Joy FM staff members present were Kwame Dadzie, Akorfa Kpoi, Kojo Acheampong, Mirabel Johnson and Anita Teye.

The Senior Correctional Centre (formerly known as Borstal Institute for juveniles) is a juvenile correction institute under the auspices of the Ghana Prisons Service.

It is a facility for people under 18 years who have been convicted of criminal or civil offences. 

During their period at the centre, they are taken through tasks aimed at reforming them to be able to fit into society easily after the expiration of their term.

The 2024 Easter Soup Kitchen is brought to you by Joy FM, powered by Lunch Avenue. 

See photos below: 

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