After months of preparation, Action Chapel’s annual convention, IMPACT, begins tomorrow, November 26, 2023, at the church’s headquarters on the Spintex Road in Accra, Ghana.

The program is expected to draw tens of thousands of Christians and non-Christians globally who will either converge on the church’s premises or connect online. And for television lovers, it will be broadcast on Dominion TV on DSTV channel 352.

Archbishop Duncan-Williams, the host and General Overseer of Action Chapel, is promising attendees a spiritual encounter that goes beyond the ordinary.

‘For those seeking open doors and divine intervention—whether it's healing, an end to negative cycles, or financial breakthroughs—I will say this is your chance to claim with faith what belongs to you," he passionately declared.

He added: ‘God has already opened the doors to your breakthrough, your miracle, and I believe this convention will empower you spiritually to walk through those doors and take possession of His promises.’

The Impact convention will also showcase musical performances from Minister Joe Mettle, Minister Simiane, Pastor Isaiah Fosu Kwakye, Lady Elsie Duncan-Williams Otoo, Pastor Ella Duncan-Williams King, Minister Efe Grace, Minister Kofi Peprah and legendary Ghanaian musician and actor Akosua Adjepong.

To add to the excitement, attendees are encouraged to wear their IMPACT t-shirts on the opening and closing nights to create a sense of unity among them.

Over the years, the event has reshaped destinies, transformed the lives of many, and recorded numerous testimonies of healings and breakthroughs.

This consistent history of impact is precisely why people continue to attend, and there's every expectation that this year's gathering will uphold that tradition.

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