New Crystal Health Services Limited was awarded the best private healthcare service provider in the country by the Chartered Institute of Marketing Ghana (CIMG) at its 34th annual National Marketing Performance Awards held at the Labadi Beach Hotel.

According to the Institute, this award is in recognition of the company’s excellence in strategic marketing, from marketing insights through the effective formulation of marketing mix programmes to create value for the market and thereby deliver excellent results.

Dr Wisdom Amegbletor the CEO of the company, dedicated the award to the staff and cherished clients of the hospital and thanked all the stakeholders who have partnered with the hospital over the past 20 years of its existence.

He reiterated the company’s commitment to providing high-quality of health services in its operating communities and making significant contributions to healthcare delivery in Ghana and beyond.

According to Sebbie Abednego Tetteh, the Marketing Manager of New Crystal Hospital puts the patients and their families at the centre of its operations through the Family and Patient-Centred Care (FPCC) policy across its branches in Ashaiman, Adjei-Kojo, Michel Camp, Tema and Takoradi.

“At New Crystal Hospital, we leverage our experienced human resource, cutting-edge technology and extraordinary customer-focused services along the entire healthcare value chain to meet the physical, emotional, and mental needs of our cherished clients and their families,” he said.

He further thanked the CIMG for recognising the company’s contribution to healthcare delivery in the country and assured all stakeholders of the company’s commitment to delivering high quality care to the clients.

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