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Joy Prime premieres new telenovela ‘Until We Meet Again’ on Val’s Day

Until We Meet Again Joy Prime

In the quest of providing viewers with the ultimate TV experience, Joy Prime is set to premiere a new Filipino telenovela, Until We Meet Again.

The series, which premieres tonight at 8 on Monday 14th February, is aimed at captivating viewers with intriguing love and entertainment as Ghana joins the world to mark Valentine.

‘Until We Meet Again’ is a Filipino series that unravels the story of Ana, a girl kidnapped out of vengeance at a tender age and forced to live with a dog; deep in the forest where nobody will find her.

During her captivity, she is isolated from human interaction and as a result, she never learns to communicate and does not know how to love or feel compassion. Her social and cognitive skills never developed.

Until We Meet Again Joy Prime

The feral child, Ana manages to escape into the real world and ends up being adopted by a man who appears to love her.

But will Ana be able to gain her senses and fall in love too?

Don’t miss out on all the suspense, love and drama in the all-new, ‘Until We Meet Again’, on Joy Prime starting tonight and subsequent weekdays.

You can also catch the action on Joy Prime on DSTV channel 281, GOTV channel 180 and MultiTV HD+ 102 for the full intriguing story of pain, agony and love.

Until We Meet Again on Joy Prime is courtesy Kalyppo, Beta Malt, Onga, Yumvita, Madar and JACCD Design Institute Africa. 

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