
Pregnant woman abuses child

A 25-year-old pregnant woman, Kate Mensah, is to be arraigned before court for assaulting her seven-year-old son with a piece of wawa board (wood) inflicting multiple wounds on his head. The boy, who is on admission at the Apam Hospital was said to have gone swimming with his playmates at the Apam beach last Thursday. According to a Police source, parents of the boy's playmates accused him of leading their children to the seashore and claimed Kate had not disciplined her son. This infuriated Kate, who in the early hours of last Friday picked a piece of wawa board, hitting the boy several times inflicting multiple wounds on his head. Some tenants in the house rescued the boy, rushed him to the Apam Hospital and reported the case to the Police. The Police source told the GNA that a docket on the case was being prepared for the woman to appear before court.

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