
Danger looms at Anlo

The Independent intelligence have picked up signals that are frightening and unless Ghana's security apparatus move in fast the entire Anlo territory could be plunged into a blaze that could easily replicate the Dagbon crisis. According to unimpeachable intelligence sources, some persons of Anlo descent are carting arms to the area in an attempt to destabilize the area and embark on what can be termed "Operation Kick Torgbui Sri Out." Our intelligence information has also established that, a certain retired army officer is alleged to be at the forefront of organising the arms to the Anlo area. The Independent intelligence is still investigating the role of the supposed retired army officer in the whole saga with the view to identifying his personality. Our information is that, following this development, security apparatus made up of personnel of the National Security, the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI), the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) and Military Intelligence have been dispatched to the area to foil any attempt to throw the area into chaos. According to our credible and reliable sources, security personnel have been placed on high alert, battle ready to confront any act that has the potential to destabilise the region. Our intelligence has established that, high on the agenda on the game-plan is an attack on pro-Torgbui Sri towns, such as Aflao and Agbozume, whose chiefs are said to be ardent supporters of the move to make Torgbui Sri the Awoamefia of Anlo Triditional Area. Also on the game-plan is the attack on pro-Torgbui Sri elements both in Anloga and the entire Anlo land, The Independent can report. Following this development, The Independent has learnt that, there was a high powered meeting of security kinpins in the country last Saturday, and it was attended by the heads of the Ghana Police Service, the Military, CID, BNI and the National Security. There the decision was taken to take a tough and robust stand to break down any trouble before it gets out of hands. Meanwhile, sources within the New Patriotic Party are also saying, the dark clouds hovering over Anlo is being cut out to fit into a larger plot game-plan hatched by antiNPP elements to cause disaffection for the ruling NPP government. Broaching his exposition on his fears about an alleged plot, the source discredited the report released last week by the Commonwealth Human Rights lnitiative (CHRI), which report accused the security of human rights abuses. The source spoke generally about calculated attempts by some anti-NPP elements to throw dust into people's eyes that, the NPP government is insensitive to the plight of its people, and lacks the skills to manage the affairs of the country. He cited the announcement last week by the Committee for Joint Action (CJA) that it is going to embark on a series of demonstrations over high fuel prices in the country as an instance of the gathering attempts by sections of society to discredit the Kufuor administration. This, the NPP source said, are all being put together in a careful build up towards the approach of the Ghana 2008, and the idea is to punch holes in the good image the national administration has been able to create for itself with efforts to make the tournament a memorable one. According to him, the CJA and some elements within the NDC are bent on smearing the image of the Kufuor administration in the eyes of the visitors, and said, "That will not work, because the international community knows the NPP government is really hard working." "At a time when all patriotic Ghanaians are concentrating on Ghana 2008, praying it is successful, others are rather trying to destabilise the country," he said. The source explained that crude oil prices have gone up on the international market, which development threatens the realisation of targets set in this year's budget and then added, the CJA, some of whose members are NDC kin pins- cannot claim not to know all that. He said, if the NDC gets involved in these demonstrations, then clearly it will be advertising its ignorance about governance, and that will be shocking, because that party has been in government before and must know that high oil prices. obviously, do have effect on the general economy of all countries. Turning his attention to the Anlo chieftaincy palaver, the NPP source said, it is unfortunate that some people are blaming government for what happened for the sake of partisan politicisation. He said, there are top NPP gurus such as Mr. A. K. Deku, member of the Council of State, and businessman, Mr. Raymond Okudzeto, who are against the installation of Torgbui Sri as the Awoamefia ofAnlo. On the other hand, he said, there are also high profile NDC members who are both pro and antiTorgbui Sri. He then queried, "Why then should we potiticise it, and accuse the government of complicity." It will be recalled that, the Anloga township and its immediate environs were on Novem2er 2, 2007 thrown into pandemonium following the performance of rituals to officially install and transform the Regent of Anlo, Torgbui Sri III to the substantive post of the Awomefia of Anlo. This plunged the town into chaos, which resulted in the death of six persons, including a Police Constable. Source: The Independent

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