Six people have been confirmed dead in a fresh shooting incident at Nkwanta South in the Oti Region.
According to eyewitnesses, armed assailants opened fire on residents at the Nkwanta Central Market early this morning.
Several properties have been destroyed and residents have fled for safety leaving behind a ghost town.
A police officer and five others are in critical condition after suffering bullet wounds in the shootout.
The victims are currently receiving treatment at the Nkwanta St. Joseph Catholic Hospital.
The region has witnessed tribal conflicts involving the Adele, Challa, and Akyode ethnic groups over land litigation issues.
However, in recent time contention about a Yam Festival being organized by the Akyode people in the Nkwanta town had led to fresh skirmishes.
Despite attempts by the Oti Regional Security Council to resolve the issue, skirmishes have continued to plague the town.
According to the Oti Regional Minister, Joshua Mukubu, the Oti Regional Secuirty Council has deployed personnel to investigate the trigger for this new attack.
He added that the REGSEC has also consulted chiefs and other opinion leaders in the area to urge residents put down their guns and restore peace.
In the meantime, police and military personnel have been deployed to maintain peace and ensure the safety of residents.
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