James Abrah

The value of money and the role it plays in this short physical life of man has been prioritised over other equally important virtues of life. It is rightly so because arguably, society doesn’t care about your source of money.

They rather place a premium on the quality and quantity of things money can display around you. The mansions, the custom-made cars, designer wares, expensive jewelry, the serene environment, playing with the “big boys”, and showing that you have a class and belong to the upper class, have become perfect indicators of wealth. Society does not care about your character anymore. And people, nowadays, will do everything for money.

It is rightly so because, we have over-subscribed to the scripture that says, “money answers all things”.(Eccl:10:19) There are virtues money cannot buy. And when and where your money fails, any of these important character traits can see you through difficult times. One such character trait is:

#1. Your reputation. A reputation is an asset you acquire as an individual, as a result of your faithful dealings with people and organizations. When you acquire a reputation and gain the goodwill and confidence of people, strange doors can open for you without struggle. People will vouch for you when it matters most. A reputation is like a good name. “A good name is desirable better than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver and gold (Proverbs 22:1). Do not compromise your reputation for anything. Lucky Duby of blessed memory said in one of his nice reggae songs that “it takes a million times to build a reputation, but just one stupid fool can destroy it”. Once you show signs of unfaithfulness in dealing with people, your peers, superiors, subordinates, brethren, parents, and friends, you are damaging your reputation. Do not destroy your reputation in dealing with people or in business. It will be very difficult to rebuild your reputation, once destroyed.

#2. Personal Integrity- Your integrity is your reputation that people know you for. What the world thinks of you is your reputation. Your knowledge, skills, network, resources, and what people perceive you to be, are invaluable assets, required in the pursuit of money. Your integrity quotient presents a good index of your character. People would support you when they trust you. Nobody would trust and commit resources to your hands when you lack integrity. Your character represents the volumes of books you have written about yourself. You may not have it in print, but it is visibly readable as you go about your business.

Do not compromise your integrity today. It will turn and bite you hard in the future. There was a scene between two friends at Tema Harbour one day. These guys have been bodies for a long time. None of the two knew each other to be a Christian. Then one day, accidentally one of them had his briefcase opened and there was a bible and Christian literature books authored by known men of God in town. When his friend saw the bible fall from the briefcase, he shouted, “Are you a Christian? Hey NO born-again Christian will behave the way you do”.  “If this is how Christians behave, then I would never go to church”, the friend lamented. His friend saw a double identity in him and that is how he lost faith in him forever. Do not have double standards in the business. Do not pretend to appear good when you are not. You would be exposed one day and cannot regain your confidence before people. Choose to be intentional with your sincerity.

#3. Professionalism- Society has made us believe that professionals are people who have gone through specialized formal or informal training and have mastered their game in the practice of their trade. They are perceived to possess excellent knowledge and technical know-how to execute their trade. But is that the case? Your guess is as good as mine. We have professional footballers, professional artisans, professional accountants, professional barbers, engineers. They are everywhere but very few people could notice their use and relevance. Your training does not make you a professional. It is what you do with your training or skill that will earn you the “professional tag”.

Professionalism is best described when you use your training and talents to exceed the expectations of your clients. When your service leaves an indelible experience with your customers, they will describe you as a professional and give you many referrals. Good professionals do not spend time and money to advertise what they do. They get business every day by referrals. I recall one fashion designer I knew way back in the late 90s. You would like him to fit your trousers for you.

Mr. Baah would tell you, “Please, you will get your trousers in the next 90 days, yet, you won’t take it away. Why? He knew what it takes to exceed the expectations of his customers. If you want to make more money, choose to serve your clients with excellence and exceed their expectations especially if you are an artisan. They will sell your business to others and money will be chasing you.

In as much as you would require money to run your business, you would need these three important traits to stay in business. People want reputation, integrity, and professionalism to give you repeated business. Excellent performance is more pleasing to customers than anything else. Do not damage your reputation, nor sell your integrity cheap for money, and remain professional in handling customers. These three will attract financial abundance to you.

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