The Sunyani West Municipal Director of Education in charge of Sports and Culture, Joe Appiah, has called on the West African Examination Council (WEAC) to implement measures to stem the leakage of Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) examination questions. 
As the BECE begins Monday, July 8, 2024, Mr Appiah said WAEC ought to do more and punish personnel who leak examination questions too. 
In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Sunyani, he said candidates could not be blamed and punished for the leakage of examination questions, however, he advised the candidates against forms of malpractice. 
He emphasised that examination malpractices are a serious offence that could not only result in the cancellation of exam papers but also to the withholding of certificates. 
“However, WAEC can do the children well if they put in place concrete measures to avert the leakage of exam papers and spare the candidate from the temptation to cheat”, Mr Appiah. 
Mr. Appiah advised the candidates to approach the BECE with confidence, emphasizing that it is not something unusual.

He reassured them that the exam would only cover the material they had learned in school, encouraging them to trust in their preparation and knowledge.
That notwithstanding, the Municipal Director cautioned the candidates against sending foreign materials into the examination halls that could tempt them to cheat in the examination and find problems for themselves. 

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