A 17-year-old suspected robber, Joel Nyarko has been beaten to a pulp with his right ear chopped off at Domeabra in the Ga South Municipality of the Greater Accra Region.

This follows a botched robbery attempt of a vehicle together with accomplices who managed to flee the scene.

However, luck eluded Joel as he was apprehended by irate residents who beat him mercilessly.

He sustained injuries and was carried in a wheelbarrow from the Domeabra Township to the roadside.

The timely intervention of the Police saved the teenager from being lynched.

Joel has been conveyed to the hospital for treatment by Police officers from the Amanfrom District Police Command.

In an interview with Adom News, an eyewitness, Charles Ayitey said one of the residents cut off the suspect's ear to serve as a deterrent to others.

A preliminary Police investigation has established the suspect resides at Dwenwoho but often visits his uncle in Kasoa.

The suspect told the Police that he was rather robbed by unknown persons. He claims his iPhone, dollar and cedi currencies and other accessories have been stolen.

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